In PCS software, multiple windows can be dragged and moved around the display(s). Understanding the docking mechanism is essential for the effective use of the software.
The following windows can be docked/undecked within the software:
When the software starts, the main window will contain the Project Explorer, the 2D View, and the 3D View docked next to each other. These windows can be undocked by clicking and dragging the window's header.
When the user undocks a window, it can be freely moved inside the display and float (not docked to any other windows). The users commonly use two displays, and the 3D View is transferred to the second display to have a more extensive 2D and 3D working area.
When a window is undocked, the indicators will appear where the window can be docked. Users can dock the window to all sides of the centre when the window becomes a tab. The selected window's indicator points will be visible if multiple windows are present where the user hovers the mouse.
If a window is being docked as tabbed, the tab itself shall be dragged to undock the window and dock it to another place.
The user can reopen a window from the Standard toolbar - View menu if a window is accidentally closed. Each window has a grey pin at the top right corner. By default, it has been turned off. If the pin is selected, it will change the icon, and the window will auto-hide if the mouse is not hovered over it.
Toolbars can be docked and undocked as well. If a toolbar is undocked, it becomes floating and can be docked afterwards. The user can dock a toolbar to the top or side of the window. A toolbar can be docked where it was initially, meaning that the users cannot dock a 2D view toolbar to a 3D view or a main toolbar to a 2D view location, etc. The toolbars can be dragged and undocked using the little line marker at the beginning of each toolbar.
Toolbars can be arranged into multiple lines; the software will automatically adjust the number of toolbar lines if a window is needed. It is recommended that they be ordered in a way that occupies the least space from the display to have a more extensive working area.