On this page, users can check the summary of properties inside the Project Explorer. These properties can adjust settings for rasters, clouds, vectors, trajectories, and geophotos.
The properties of the clouds can be checked at Clouds level and for each single cloud file.
If the Properties are selected from the Clouds right-click menu, the tool will bring statistics of all point clouds loaded into the project.
The cloud properties show the general properties of the clouds, and a few settings can be made here. The grey lines cannot be modified.
The description of the settings is the following:
Color - The user can set the default colour for the cloud. The clouds can be coloured by default colour from the Point Cloud toolbar.
Compressed - The loaded cloud file is uncompressed (LAS) or compressed (LAZ).
Density - The area of the point cloud's extent and the cloud's average density can be read here.
Extent - The extent of the point cloud in XYZ dimensions.
GeoTags - Geotags can be read here if applicable.
Misc - Miscellaneous information about the LAS file, including file paths, header and VLR information, and LAS version and point data format.
Number of Points - Number of points based on the return number and total number of points. Not all scanners support return number storage; the information might not be coded to the LAS files.
Offset - The offset values from the coordinate system origo.
OGC - Open Geospatial Consortium parameters of the cloud.
Optimization - Shows the current optimization type and the number of points loaded into memory.
Scale - The scale factor of the cloud. This parameter displays only the dimensions, so a 0.001 value refers to a mm resolution cloud.
The properties panel is not available if multiple clouds are selected.
The properties of the vector files can be checked for each vector if multiple vectors are selected. This section lists properties based on vector types, including multi-selection.
SHP/FDB table - Single element properties:
Display - The user can adjust the display settings in this section. Fill is understood only for polygon features.
Extent - The extent of the SHP file. Empty SHP files will have an extent of 10,10, and -10,-10.
Miscellaneous - This area provides information about the vector file itself. The Automatic Identifier is the ID incremented as a new object is created; this is automatic for SHP files created inside PCS. The Automatic Label can label the elements in a 2D view based on an attribute. The rotation column is necessary for CAD-based extractions and applies only to point SHP files. The Symbol Library is required for blocks, where the user shall specify the path to the seed file where the software will reach the block definitions. If the library is set, the user can select the Symbol name field. After changing these settings, the SHP file shall be saved and re-opened for the changes to take effect.
View3D-Display - Set the 3D display size for the SHP.
SHP/FDB table - Multiple element properties:
Display - If multiple SHP or FDB tables are selected.
DXF/DWG file properties:
Misc - The properties are minimal because PCS only displays the DXF/DWG file but cannot modify it.
Triangulated TRI properties:
Drawing - The display properties of the triangulated file
Misc - General parameters and information about the triangulated surface, including file paths and dimensions.