As the name indicates, the project file is the collective file for all files included in a PCS project. During the use of the software, various files, point clouds, and vectors are loaded into the project explorer. If the job is not done at the end of the day, or users would like to reach the last state of the project a week later, a project file shall be saved. The project file saves all elements in the project, their file paths, the 2D and 3D window alignment and location, toolbar settings and location and all on-off settings in the project.
The project file - just like the SHP files - is not a single file. The project file consists of 4 files:
All files are required to load the project back. If one or more files are deleted from the original folder, the project is corrupted, and users cannot recover it. It does not mean that the data will be corrupted! The project file is a “folder” or “collection” of the used files. Removing or corrupting the project file will not modify the files included, but users must load all used elements again to an empty project.