The Image Pair view is currently under review and is not functional.
The Image Pair View (or Image Pair Window) is a rarely used function inside PCS. It does allow the user to identify points based on photogrammetric measurements from geophotos. If geophotos are loaded into the project using the Project Explorer, the Image Pair View can be started from the Standard toolbar at the Main Window. The Image Pair View is dockable.
The empty Image Pair Window after starting it
The Image Pair View allows the user to select a left and a right image. As the images are calibrated, choosing a point on both images enables the software to calculate the coordinates of the point and forward this point to the active command, like the new element command. This can be very useful if the camera is located further from the laser (for example, the camera is placed higher than the laser) and obtaining a coordinate is impossible in another way. Please keep in mind that the accuracy of the measured point cannot be better than the system's original accuracy, and the camera sensors might have a different accuracy class compared to the lasers.
The Image Pair Window has a main toolbar at the top and a smaller toolbar for each photo window. The photo window toolbars are identical, which will only be explained once. We recommend keeping the image pair window together with the 2D or 3D window, as it shall be possible to select a photo from one of the views.
The description of the main toolbar tools is the following:
L+R photos - This tool allows the user to pick the left and right images. The image can be selected directly by clicking the geophoto marker in 2D or 3D view or clicking on the point cloud, where the software will try to find the closest photo.
Previous/Next Geophoto - The software steps to the next photo for both windows. This is handy when using MLS datasets, but other datasets like SLAM or TLS might not result in the designated photo.
Remove Photos - Clears both photo windows.
Swap photos - Swap the left and right photos.
Fit - Fit the current photo to the window size.
Zoom in/out - Zoom in and out to both photos.
Turn on/off magnify window - Turn on a magnifying window to the top left corner of each photo window, showing the cursor's environment as magnified, helping the user pinpoint the target on the photos.
Finding two pictures on which the 3D target point can be found - This tool will load two images on which the rotation centre (3D target point) is visible.
Finding two pictures on which the 3D marker can be found - This tool will load two images on which the 3D marker is visible.
Restore image - Remove all markers from the image placed by the user.
Apply - The software calculates the coordinates based on the selected points and sends them back to the main windows so the active tool can utilize it. For example, if the active SHP is a polyline, and the New Polyline Element command is active, this point becomes the start point of the polyline. In that way, the measured point can be used for vector extraction.
Calculate - Calculate the position of the placed markers. The result will be visible in a new window.
Screen Capture - Creates a screenshot from the Image Pair Window.
Test - Testing feature for the Image Pair View. Please do not use it without prior instructions. In general, pressing the button will not do anything.
The description of the tools in the photo windows is the following:
Select photo - Select the left or right photo.
Previous/Next Photo - Move to the previous or next photo for the current photo window.
Fit - Fit the current photo to the photo window size.
Zoom in/out - Zoom in and out in the selected photo window.
Toggle Overview Window - Toggle the "minimap" for the photo to the top right corner to see which part of the image has been inspected.
toolStripButton1 - Currently unavailable function, still in development.